Tuesday, July 19, 2016

No Boundaries in Preservation - Preservação sem Fronteiras - Preservación sin Fronteras

No Boundaries in Preservation has completed its project awarded by last year's University Libraries grant. It has accomplished its initial educational purpose, which was to provide equitable access to basic, relevant preservation and conservation information to a wider and diverse community of libraries and archives in the United States and abroad.

It was quite a journey through the year of 2015/2016 for those who participated in this project, directly or indirectly, doing research, filming, editing, translating and creating five original videos and posters, in three different languages. Not to mention the generosity of others in proof reading the materials, creating the website and collaborating to the content.

The result is a total of thirty educational resources! The theme of each original video and poster results from the answers of an online survey regarding preservation and conservation of books and documents.

Our mission to assist others has not ended and we ensure that the continuity of guidance in the field of preservation of books, documents and family heritage will be kept alive.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Best Practices for Small Digitization Projects

Have you already start a digitization project in your library or archive?  Do you have family materials in need of digitization? Does your community church have records in need of preservation? Preservation of paper materials through digitization provides accessibility of information to many different communities around the world.  

UNCG Preservation Services and UNCG Digital Projects worked together for No Boundaries in Preservation to create an informative guideline for digitizing personal archives and collections in small libraries.

The benefits of digitizing historic books or documents are beyond our imagination and geographic boundaries.

A video was created to guide through a few basic steps on how to start digitizing using cameras together with a poster which is ready for download on No Boundaries in Preservation project website.

We did not forget to give some tips on saving your digitized images.  So do not forget to visit our website for all the links in three languages: English,Portuguese and Spanish.

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Facebook: UNCGPreservationServices