How do you approach your collection when it is time for physically clean your books and documents?
Cleaning a collection prolongs its life and makes it less vulnerable to several factors, including organic and inorganic materials that accumulate over the years.
On the second video and poster from No Boundaries in Preservation we will cover the evaluation of materials under two points of view, the extrinsic values and the intrinsic values. Assessing them will determine the type of treatment, hours to spend on the cleaning process and materials to use.
Different types of conservation conditions will lead you to different types of cleaning that is why is important to create a plan of cleaning procedures. Fragile items, dust, insects, mold are a some of the subjects we will cover.
No Boundaries in Preservation is a three languages project - English, Portuguese and Spanish - and is committed to outreach a large number of communities in the Americas and Western Europe, offering videos and posters with basic technical information in the libraries and archives preservation field.
Don't forget to join and follow us on social media to get the latest news on this project.
Facebook: UNCGPreservationServices
Funding for No Boundaries in Preservation was generously provided by the University Libraries Innovation Grant Program at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.
No Boundaries in Preservation is a three languages project - English, Portuguese and Spanish - and is committed to outreach a large number of communities in the Americas and Western Europe, offering videos and posters with basic technical information in the libraries and archives preservation field.
Don't forget to join and follow us on social media to get the latest news on this project.
Facebook: UNCGPreservationServices
Funding for No Boundaries in Preservation was generously provided by the University Libraries Innovation Grant Program at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.