Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Please don't feed the animals.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey day.

Turkey Trot by Lois Morrison
Custom clamshell enclosure by Audrey Sage
Friday, November 20, 2009
The cleanest book.

Jackson Library purchased a copy to be housed in Special Collections and Audrey created yet another lovely custom clamshell enclosure for it. Somehow we managed to resist the urge to tear into the packaging and furiously wash our hands so we could read the story.
Soap Story by Angela Lorenz
Custom clamshell enclosure by Audrey Sage
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Miniature book launcher.

A Victorian Garden from Dawson's Book shop in Los Angeles
Custom enclosure by Stefani Hobbick
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So cute it hurts.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Strange shapes.

Since the entire book consists of one long strip of paper rolled into a scroll
it could get lost very easily.
To keep it safe on the shelf, I made this box with a drawer that pulls out.
It has a little tab made from a piece of silk ribbon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Little Library by Todd Pattison
Andover, Massachusetts
Found and altered early 19th-century leather binding with fore-edge clasps. The bookshelves of the altered binding hold seventy-two blank leather- and paper-covered books which open and range in height from 1” to 1.5”. Working full time leaves only so many hours to pursue my own bindings, and I find that I normally spend several months or more completing a single full leather volume. Working on this piece allowed me to bind the same number of books in one night that would otherwise take a year or more. This tends to generate creativity and experimentation and also makes bookbinding pretty fun! 7.5 x 4.75 x 1.5 inches, 19 x 12 x 4 centimeters. Created 2009.
Todd Pattison studied bookbinding with Fred Jordan in western New York state in the late 1970s and early 1980s and went on to study with Hugo Peller and Edwin Heim in Ascona, Switzerland. He is currently senior book conservator at the Northeast Document Conservation Center where he has worked for the past eighteen years.
From the Guild of Book Workers Marking Time Exhibition.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Some people just don't get it.
Denver Bibliophile’s Bedbugs Take a Bite Out of ILL
Denver Public Library has destroyed 31 books and fumigated four areas of its central library after a bedbug infestation caused, ironically, by a patron dedicated to preserving classic literature.
The contaminated books, which are rare works that were borrowed from DPL through interlibrary loan, had been checked out by Roger Goffeney, a retired poet and minister, who volunteers for the online collection Project Gutenberg. Goffeney checked out the books to compare DPL’s print editions to the digital versions to ensure that the works had been scanned accurately. “Not a one [of the loaned books] belonged to us,” DPL spokeswoman Celeste Jackson told American Libraries.
However, in early September library staff discovered bugs, their larvae, and droppings inside books returned by Goffeney. DPL banned him from the library and asked him to bag his outstanding books and return them outside the library building rather than through the book drop. However, he placed them in the book drop a week later, causing a reinfestation, ABC affiliate KMGH-TV reported September 24. “He flat-out refuses to cooperate and has recontaminated the facility,” DPL Manager of Security and Safety Tom Scott said in the September 22 Denver Post. “At this point, it’s an intentional act,” he asserted, noting that this was the first bedbug infestation he has encountered at DPL in his 34-year tenure there.
Goffeney declined to comment to American Libraries, other than saying he expected the library would sue him for the cost of the books and fumigation, and that he would hold off on making a statement until after his anticipated court appearance. However, he told local media that the bedbugs come from his downtown apartment in Cathedral Plaza, which is owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver. “We’ve always had some kind of insect infestation, but it's never been to this degree,” Goffeney told KMGH.
DPL spokesperson Jackson told AL that the replacement cost for the books is estimated at $12,000 and the cost of fumigation at $6,000. She also said the library would likely seek remuneration from Goffeney through a collection agency, per the terms of its borrowers’ agreement. “I have no intention of paying a dime,” Goffeney told KMGH, adding that he’s considering filing a lawsuit to get his borrowing privileges restored.
—Gordon Flagg, American Libraries Online
Posted on September 30, 2009.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
This is not really a cactus.

I highly recommend a stop here if you are ever in the Boston area!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
What's crusty and yellow and read all over?

Friday, September 25, 2009
Bonefolder, defined.

The Bonefolder is an amazing, open-access e-journal that deals with bookbinding and bookarts. It is an incredible resource and anyone interested in the field should check it out.
Bonefolder is what we're calling our blog for now. If we think of something we like better we might change it. If you have any suggestions bring 'em on!
What's with the doughnut?
In early November, 1980 there was an orientation session held in the Bindery Division (now known as the Preservation Services Dept.) of the Jackson Library. Refreshments consisted of two dozen glazed and cake-type doughnuts as well as coffee with milk and sugar. Some say it was finphobia (a social phobia related to the fear of consuming the last of something) for when the party was over a solitary doughnut was left, coveted by all yet untouched.
Around that same time, the bindery acquired an old stereo radio. The reception was bad in the basement so with the aid of some old picture framing wire and some discarded metal binders, an antennae was rigged up to one of the overhead lights. To complete this montage, the last doughnut was added to one of the metal binders. The college radio station came in loud and clear.
In the months to come other modifications came about - a store-bought antennae and finally in the next year- a ghetto blaster replaced the old stereo. But the Doughnut stayed on. Maybe it was sentimentality or maybe it was pure aesthetic choice in the absence of windows but the Bindery Doughnut hung on the ceiling as a beacon for wandering minds. For five years it dangled from its binder, perfectly preserved by white sugar in a slightly shrunken and crystallized state. One day a student accidentally knocked it from its perch and everyone was astonished when it clinked on the floor like a piece of stoneware. It remained intact except for one small chip.
Today dozens of students, faculty and staff make the pilgrimage into the basement of Jackson Library to see for themselves and pay homage to this mysterious talisman. One has to wonder about the recipe that could preserve such a perishable morsel as a doughnut in such a pristine state for posterity. Only one thing is for one will ever eat it now!
These posters know what's up.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Berries and bird binding + custom clamshell box = the most adorable book ever.

For the final step I made a custom clamshell box to protect this rare book. I covered it in espresso and cherry-red bookcloth to match the gorgeous binding.